
Leapdroid: Pioneering Mobile App Innovations from Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

Leapdroid: Pioneering Mobile App Innovations from Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland

The vibrant city of Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands, plays host to a dynamic Mobile Apps industry teeming with innovative companies carving out their niches in this global sector. This article will highlight some of the notable organizations headquartered in this bustling metropolis. From media and entertainment to health care and fintech, these companies represent the exciting diversity of the Mobile Apps industry.

Housing a hub of talent, Rotterdam’s tech-savvy entrepreneurs maximize technology to offer solutions that cater to the ever-evolving consumer needs. This city’s creative spirit and use of groundbreaking technologies help these firms thrive within their respective sectors.

So, let’s take a closer look at some of the trailblazers making waves in Rotterdam’s Mobile Apps industry.


Holding firm to the belief of transforming “screen time into person time,” AMVLET GROUP operates in the spheres of Big Data, Internet, Mobile Apps, Social Media, and Software. Founded by industry experts, this forward-thinking outfit offers companies the flexibility of not maintaining a fixed location. This eco-conscious approach allows AMVLET to maintain a low CO2 footprint, a contemporary concern for many in today’s world. Connect with AMVLET GROUP on LinkedIn.

Nocto International

Nocto International takes center stage in providing novel party entertainment services to the nightlife community. This mobile application creates memorable experiences through tech-enabled solutions reshaping the party scene. Connect with Nocto International on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

Buddy Payment

Embedded in the continuously growing world of Fintech, Buddy Payment is committed to facilitating ease of bill payments and management for users. This Rotterdam-based debt prevention app handles your bills, steering clear from missed payments. Visit their LinkedIn page for more information.


Dinlebi takes its place in the digital entertainment industry as an audio streaming service offering subscription-based access to audiobooks and short-form content. They launched their service in Turkey in 2020 and have since been achieving swift growth. Engage with Dinlebi on their LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter page.


In the realm of 3D Technology, Mobile Apps, Outdoors, and Video Editing, Relive is winning the day. Their app enables users to track and share outdoor activities. Engage with Relive on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.


“Moving made easy” is the slogan at Move4U. They offer contemporary solutions for the moving business. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.


TWNKLS is an Augmented Reality agency, specializing in generating solutions that seamlessly merge the physical and digital worlds. They also create, develop, and produce augmented reality applications for various industries. Visit their LinkedIn or Facebook page for more.

MKB Brandstof

Working in the field of Information Technology and Mobile Apps, MKB Brandstof is another Rotterdam-based gem. Check out their LinkedIn or Twitter for more.


Notificare offers a Mobile Marketing Automation Platform that allows brands to interact and gain insights from mobile apps users. Stay connected via LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.


Declaree simplifies the expense management process with mobile apps and an online web application. Head to their LinkedIn , Facebook or Twitter to learn more.


MEDrecord operates within the Healthcare sector. Offering both B2B and B2C services with a base in Health IT, this organization brings healthcare and mobile apps together. Visit their LinkedIn or Twitter to catch up on their latest innovations.

In conclusion, these Rotterdam-based organizations flourish and continue to bring innovative solutions to the table, through the power of Mobile Apps. They tangibly demonstrate how the right blend of creativity, technological acumen, and savvy business models can deliver real solutions that change our world. Indeed, there appears to be an exciting journey ahead for these pioneering companies.

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