Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, is known for being a major global technology hub. Along with its vibrant culture and thriving economy, Tokyo stands as a significant metropolis that fosters growth and innovation in the technological field. In this feature, we will shine a spotlight on several companies from the software industry that call Tokyo their home. These companies are not just making waves in Japan, but throughout the globe as they continue to innovate and break boundaries.
From drone technology to artificial intelligence and finance tech, these companies represent Tokyo’s diverse and thriving software industry. Their dedication to innovation echoes the city’s own ethos of blending tradition with the cutting-edge, and creating solutions that are both high-tech and human-centric.
Without further ado, let us dive into the exciting world of these software companies, and explore how they are shaping the world of technology from their bustling headquarters in this city of the future.
Terra Drone
Founder Toru Tokushige’s venture, Terra Drone, leverages drone technology in the civil engineering, aerospace, air transportation, and Internet of Things industries. Using drones, this company delivers meticulous civil engineering surveying services for construction companies, while also analysing the gathered data. Terra Drone’s technology not only eases complex job site inspections but also enables enhanced processes in the sectors of construction, oil and gas extraction, and agriculture. Connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Preferred Networks
Co-founded by Daisuke Okanohara, Morikawa Hiroyuki, Nishitoba Jiro, and Toru Nishikawa, Preferred Networks concentrates on the practical applications of deep learning, robotics, artificial intelligence, and other leading technologies. They have integrated their software innovations within priority sectors including transportation systems, manufacturing, and bio-healthcare. The company’s presence is also widespread on digital platforms; find them on Twitter,
Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Mujin, Inc.
Thanks to the efforts of founders Huan Liu, Ide Anko Rousen, Issei Takino, and Rosen Diankov, Mujin, Inc. has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of industrial automation. Focusing on developing and selling “intelligent robot controllers,” Mujin’s technology solves problems in conventional robots, revolutionizing logistics and manufacturing. Stay updated with Mujin’s latest developments on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Bank of Innovation
Bank of Innovation, with founder Higuchi Tomohiro at the forefront, is carving a niche in sectors including banking, broadcasting, software, and venture capital. The company is renowned for its application software development services. Connect with them on Twitter or their Facebook page.
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