
Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Innovations from Vigo, Galicia’s Tech Landscape

Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Innovations from Vigo, Galicia’s Tech Landscape

Located in the charming city of Vigo, on the northwestern coast of Spain, there is a vibrant Information Technology (IT) industry that is pouring innovation into the global market. From custom software development to hacker-proof data security, the Galician city is home to a dynamic collection of companies that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital space. From app development and customer service to state-of-the-art biometric security systems, read on to discover what these Vigo-based businesses are bringing to the world of IT.

Ancora: Beyond the Smartphone

Ancora is transforming the current smartphone experience. Named after the Portuguese word for “anchor,” Ancora specializes in developing mobile solutions that push beyond the limitations of phones, with a focus on data management, device integration, and workflow optimization. Born from the creative minds of founders Alexandre Bastos, the company is truly anchoring itself as a forerunner of mobile technology. Connect with them on LinkedIn and follow their updates on Twitter.

Converfit: The Solution is Here

Converfit is a one-stop-shop for businesses needing IT solutions. Specializing in B2B, the firm provides comprehensive software that supports both small and large industries. Connect with them on LinkedIn, follow them on Twitter, and like their page on Facebook.

Alice Biometrics: Secure Identity Verification

Dedicated to maintaining security in the online space, Alice Biometrics provides a comprehensive identity verification solution. From analyzing ID photos to comparing them with selfies, the firm offers a wide range of services designed to minimize identity fraud and comply with KYC/AML legislation. Stay tuned to Alice Biometrics on LinkedIn.

Gradiant: Bridging the IT Gap

Enter Gradiant, an IT consulting firm that has rapidly made its mark within the industry. Seamlessly marrying legal, software, CRM, and consulting, Gradiant offers a unique model in the IT realm. Stay updated on their journey via LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Citious: Instant Customer Service Space

Co-founders Jorge J. Rodríguez Núñez and Pablo Gutiérrez- Alfaro present Citious. This messaging application offers companies a platform for running their customer service. Connect via LinkedIn, follow Citious on Twitter and Facebook.

Data Keeper: Your Data Safeguard

Data Keeper is dedicated to keeping your data safe. With services spanning from cloud set-ups to server installations, they are a one-stop solution for data protection. Check their updates on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

VSI: Technological Support at Its Best

Providing exceptional technological services and solutions, VSI offers comprehensive IT infrastructure, wireless, data center, and consulting services. Stay tuned via LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

MUUTECH MONITORING SOLUTIONS: Blaze Your Path to Industry 4.0

Providing end-to-end monitoring service, MUUTECH MONITORING SOLUTIONS embodies the essence of Industry 4.0. The firm specializes in reducing production stoppages and process degradations and has a strong commitment to innovation. You can stay updated on the latest from MUUTECH via their LinkedIn account and Twitter.

SIVSA Soluciones: Unleashing IT Potential

SIVSA Soluciones is a company made up of IT professionals who strive to utilize technology to provide innovative solutions. Follow their journey on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Velneo: The Cloud Geniuses

Velneo is a cloud-based platform that provides tools for the design, development, and implementation of enterprise applications. Find them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

NORLEAN: Engineering Your Success

With a vision of improving productivity and competitiveness in the context of Industry 4.0, NORLEAN has harnessed the power of 3D technology, IoT, data visualization, and AI in its operation. Learn more through their LinkedIn account, Twitter, and Facebook page.

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