
Leapdroid: Bellevue’s Innovative Force in the Mobile App Industry

Leapdroid: Bellevue’s Innovative Force in the Mobile App Industry

The mobile application industry has been witnessing a continuous shift and evolution, with companies constantly striving to innovate and redefine the landscapes of various sectors. With the same spirit of innovation and evolution, Bellevue, Washington, has become home to a diverse variety of companies operating in the mobile apps industry, all working to address specific needs and make lives easier. This article focuses on such notable companies based in Bellevue, offering an array of services and solutions in the realm of mobile applications.

Bellevue's vibrant tech scene offers a nurturing environment for startups and established enterprises alike, acting as the birthplace for some of the world's most innovative mobile app companies. These companies span a wide range of industries, including corporate training, social media, digital entertainment, education, and more. In this article, we will briefly delve into the profiles of some of these companies, discussing their industries, founders, descriptions, and where you can find more information about them online.

Before we begin, it's important to mention that all of the companies on our list are contributing significantly to the mobile apps market in their unique ways. Each of them is helping to reshape the future of mobile technology, and each is worth keeping an eye on as the industry evolves and grows.


RapL is a cutting-edge company operating in the realms of Corporate Training, E-Learning, Machine Learning, Mobile Apps, SaaS, and Software. Founded in 2021 by Arun Muthukumar and Murali Krishnan, RapL provides a mobile workforce training platform employing gamified, AI-driven adaptive learning in small, continuous segments. Additionally, you can follow this dynamic company on @getrapl or connect with them on Linkedin.


In the Social Media and Mobile Apps industry, Anomo stands out with its groundbreaking Location-Based Social Discovery App. This app was created by Benjamin Liu and James Sun with privacy and safety of users at its core. Anomo allows users to control their interactions, rejecting the reliance on mere 'serendipity.' Learn more about Anomo on their Facebook page or follow them on @anomoapp.


CardTapp is a dynamic enterprise software company functioning in the Computer, Enterprise Software, Mobile Apps, and Software field. Founded by Ben Brashen, Dustin Swisstack, and Ryan Leopold, CardTapp aids sales professionals in closing deals by providing easy interaction with business prospects and referrals. Find them on Facebook, connect with them on LinkedIn, or follow them on @card_tapp.


Founded by Pradeep Prabhu and Prasanna Raghavendra, CloudMunch is a software platform at the intersection of Cloud, DevOps, and Agile. The company is positioned in the Cloud Data Services, Cloud Infrastructure, IT, Internet, Mobile Apps, SaaS, Software industry. Their innovative platform aiding companies in delivering better software faster can also be found on Facebook, LinkedIn and @cloudmunch.

Tenacious Entertainment

Bellevue, Washington, is also home to Tenacious Entertainment, a company creating unique and memorable gaming experiences for Fans by fans. The Digital Entertainment and Mobile Apps company, founded by Roy Cronacher in 2018, is on Facebook, LinkedIn, and @tenacious_entmt.

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