
Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Solutions From St. John’s, Newfoundland

Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Solutions From St. John’s, Newfoundland


Verafin was founded by Brendan Brothers, Jamie King, and Raymond Pretty in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Specializing in Compliance, Enterprise Software, Finance, FinTech, Fraud Detection, Information Technology, Security, and Software, the company provides a comprehensive cloud-based system for Fraud Detection and Management, BSA/AML Compliance and Management, High-Risk Customer Management, and secure 314(b) Information Sharing. Its platform is currently utilized by over 2600 banks and credit unions worldwide. Follow their journey through their social media platforms: @Verafin, LinkedIn.

CoLab Software

Founded by Adam Keating and Jeremy Andrews, CoLab Software is a web-based software that facilitates design review and collaboration. This St. John’s, Newfoundland-based company is transforming design and collaboration with its streamlined and efficient product. Check them out on their social media platforms: @colab_software, Facebook, LinkedIn.


SiftMed, a St. John’s, Newfoundland-based company specialising in Analytics, Software, improves review and analysis of unstructured medical data with their AI platform. Learn more about their innovative endeavors and follow their progress on their LinkedIn and @siftmed.


Celtx, established by Mark Kennedy, is a media pre-production system from St. John’s, Newfoundland. Replacing traditional paper & binder pre-production methods, Celtx provides a more complete, simpler, and easier to share digital solution. Stay updated with their innovations through their Twitter handle @celtx, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Oliver POS

Mathias K. Nielsen founded Oliver POS, a revolutionary Point of Sale system for WooCommerce that came to life in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The platform seamlessly integrates WooCommerce and physical brick and mortar stores. Be a part of their innovative evolution by following their Twitter handle @getoliverpos, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


ClearRisk, founded by Craig Rowe in St John’s Newfoundland, is an online source for Risk Management Solutions offering a variety of products to better manage one’s risk. Follow them through their Twitter handle @clearrisk, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, HeyOrca was founded by Joseph Teo and Sahand Seifi. This company provides asset production workflow simplification for creative teams. Connect and engage with them via their Twitter handle @HeyOrca, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


InspectAR, founded by Darryl Day, Liam Cadigan, Matthew Noseworthy, Mihir Shah in St. John’s, Newfoundland, uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality technology to revolutionize the review of electronic design. Learn about their latest advancements by following them on Twitter @InspectarTeam and LinkedIn.


Andrew Sinclair founded TotaliQ, a platform that enables companies to maximize their collective expertise. Based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, the company addresses the challenge of facilitating access to the shared knowledge within teams. Stay updated through their Twitter handle @totaliqtech and LinkedIn.


Located in St. John’s, Newfoundland, HYKE is a company pioneering in customer-centric data analysis founded by Sid Eskandari. Their innovative technology uses psychology, gamification, and technology to transform customer engagement. Connect with them through their Twitter handle @hykeup, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Focus FS

Jeffrey Brown founded Focus FS in 2012 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The company has since become a leading provider of advanced technological system. Serving multiple sectors, it provides powerful information management solutions to make smarter business decisions. Follow their progress on their LinkedIn and Twitter handle @FocusFS.

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